At the moment, this person has been excited as if he had left the danger.

I never thought that a sharp sword light would emerge, and the blood-red sword light was like a sea of blood.
"The zither …"
In an instant, the man split into two and slowly flowed, but the blood slowly dissipated into a drop of glittering and translucent blood beads.
"PSST …"
A burst of fear emerged with more horror than horror.
Everyone’s eyes flashed a trace of horror. A teenager dressed in a black robe came out with an Excalibur. The Excalibur was crimson and slowly absorbed the blood of the dead.
This man is the Imperial Heaven who smiled coldly and stared at this huge venue. "Everyone will die … and the dead will not talk."
In a word, the whole body is full of murderous look, and the accumulated murderous look of the five worlds is surging like a tide.
"Gollum … it’s horrible!"
"This is the top big power, this is the real strong! ! !”
"This is the ancient clan members?"
"What … what want to kill us! !”
Several people exclaim but can’t change the fact of death.
The imperial gaze was faint and excited, and when the magic sword was finally drawn, it was full of blood.
Imperial day smiled coldly, and a person has emerged from the magic sword.
"Tear …"
In an instant, the man’s head flew up without resistance.
"Dead … so dead!"
"So strong … we fought!"
"Fight … or you will die!"
"Spell …"
People from Black Point are not good people. These people are covered in blood, and now they are all inspired by death threats.
At this moment, the whole venue rushed to the Imperial Heaven, as if the Imperial Heaven was the breakthrough.
Yutian smiled coldly with a hint of disdain. "Sword Prison Sutra-Sword 20-Wan Jian is like a prison!"
Sword prison sutra is the self-created sword method of Imperial Heaven, and it is also the accumulation of swordsmanship in the martial arts world of Imperial Heaven. Now, it has entered the world of fighting and broken, and it is integrated with fighting skills to arouse the earth’s fertility.
Even though there is a sharp edge in the sky
Sword Prison Classics is beyond day order’s fighting skill. Sword one is also a local fighting skill. Now sword twenty is as powerful as day order’s advanced fighting skill.
At this moment, the aura of the whole day slowly surges and directly turns into a powerful sword light.
At this moment, the sky is full of sword light.
This virtual reality gathers all the sword light. This sword light is not Wan Jian. This is billions of swords …
Firm but gentle as silk is indestructible.
Crashing sword prison arrival, this firm but gentle turned into a firm but gentle hell, and people rushed directly to the front of them, but they showed their blood.
"Tear … tear …"
"Ah … what is this! ! !”
"Fighting armor effect This is firm but gentle, so sharp!"
"Fighting skills and resisting!"
Roaring, screaming, shining, full of blood
At this moment, the Imperial Heaven smiled coldly with disdain. How many strong men are there in the black corner domain? Dou Zong is the top figure, and everyone is a big boss. There are no strong men here. Only three of them are earth, but the Imperial Heaven slaughtered Dou Huang like a dog.
Sword light permeates the sky and slowly walks towards the auction table.
Where the host is a bucket emperor strong at the moment the bucket emperor is fear but with humble for mercy "give me a break … give me a break …"
Fight the emperor for mercy, move the sword light and surge directly.
In an instant, the emperor’s territory was broken down.
"Tear … tear …"
The sword light slowly dissipates, and the huge venue has become a bloody hell …
There is a lot of death here, but a sword fell from the sky, but several people were killed. These people were pierced by firm but gentle shock, and now the blood is slowly flowing all over the sky and turned into a bloody dragon, which is absorbed by the blood evil spirit sword.
There are no dead people, but they are all wounded at this moment. If they have wounds, these people will naturally be absorbed with blood.
Blood is constantly being swallowed up, and Hwa-Sung Do mummies one by one and then slowly dies.
Imperial sneer at is slowly raised blood evil spirit sword!
Even if the sword light turns into a bloody river, it will directly bomb the stage wall.

Two Eminem smiled at one another.

At this moment, Chiyin and pickup truck slowly moved in with a big bamboo basket.
Followed by Su Yuan, Dahua and Alo.
Finally, Leopard and Xiong Zhuang.
As soon as the priest cave in Sa ‘a became very crowded.
Suddenly an old voice trembled and exclaimed, "Is this pottery?"
Pottery! ! !
Chapter 44 Get along
"Where do you get pottery?"
Xiong Neng, the head of the clan Teng, walked along with the goat grandfather and suddenly looked at him with bright eyes.
"Holy shit, what is all this?"
Xiong Neng, the head of the clan, kept his eyes straight, and the cat ran to two big baskets full of them.
Xiong Zhuang deeply supported his forehead. Let’s take this ABBA away quickly.
"It’s really pottery!"
Xiong neng, the head of the clan, held a taupe bowl like a baby.
"Is this what you’ve been working on these days?"
Big flowers are not proud. "No, these are Xiaotian and big."
A hole, Eminem, Uncle and Grandfather, come around, look left and right, look at the surprise, excitement and fondle admiringly!
The tribe actually made pottery!
Priest Sa ‘a took the pottery bowl from Xiong Neng, the head of the clan, and his old eyes turned red.
He knows who burned this pottery.
"Beast God bless me, Xiaoshan tribe"
Priest Sa ‘a’s hoarse voice echoed in the cave.
Everyone nodded slightly and made a chest stroke.
Su Yuan followed suit.
Someone was destined to sleep this night, but Su Yuan slept soundly.
Because there is cocoa to love the giant panda, I can’t stay!
Su Yuan was awakened by the heat the next morning.
When I opened my eyes, I found myself in the arms of a big animal-shaped flower.
Well, this feeling is really a bit awkward.
Su Yuan gently moved his arm to break free from Dahua’s arms, but he was stripped by Dahua again.
Su Yuan coughed up a national treasure. You don’t seem to want to strangle me?
Dahua scratched his mouth. It’s like dreaming of something delicious.
Su Yuan took advantage of this file to lean back and finally be able to breathe smoothly.
"The national treasure is getting up, and the sun is drying its ass!"
Su Yuan whispered while rua was wearing big flowers, fluffy, soft and warm Mao Mao.
Dahua didn’t respond
Su Yuan makes persistent efforts to "get up and eat breakfast!"
Big flower eyelid lift lift open a seam soft waxy mumbled’ round’
I fell asleep again in a flash.
Su Yuan is a little puzzled. How sleepy is it that breakfast food can’t even call Dahua?
Can you stay awake? The day before yesterday, the flowers were so excited that they stayed up all night.
"National treasures get up and burn pottery!"
One second, two seconds and three seconds later, when Su Yuan was ready to give up, Dahua opened his eyes.
"O round-"
Why does Yuan make his own bed?
Well, this doesn’t seem to be her bed.
Su Yuanshi couldn’t hold back rua, and rua had a big head.
"National treasure, why are you so cute?"
Su Yuanfei is almost fragrant, with a big flower and a small face.
Dahua was already wiping her head, and it was even more paste.
Su Yuan scampered and left Dahua a sweet sound, "Get up!"
A beautiful day from early morning
Cough cough from noon is the same.
Dahua, she’s been scented, right? Right?

Dongmen Yang You smiled coldly. He still had a plan to recruit Chai Shao cavalry. Although it was fast, it was like the Tathagata could not turn over the monkey in the palm of his hand. He called a scout and said, "Tell Simon to take strict precautions!"

There is an ambush in the east. Chai Shao may focus on the west. Otherwise, Chai Shao will soon test the west. But this time, instead of being reckless, he sent several knights to explore the outside. Wu Ke will naturally not be soft and shoot all the knights.
Chai Shao got the news and became more and more worried about the thief. He just wanted to sneak up on Daxing. Unexpectedly, he was ambushed here. He came all the way carefully. How did Sui Jun get the news? Chai Shao severely scolded a few words, and the depression in the heart of the thief became more and more intense
He paced in the village and looked at the outside from time to time, which made him very uneasy.
At this moment, Yang You outside Wang Jiazhai was sneering. He had long expected that Chai Shao would retreat to Yang You when he met an ambush, and he was not worried that he waved his hand and the soldiers in Dongmen immediately lit the torch. Yang You was about to make Wu Ke send someone to bring a prisoner.
The prisoner was captured because his horse was shot dead and fell to the ground. Yang You knew from his mouth the number of this cavalry, and at the same time he knew that the general who was leading the troops was Li Xiuning’s husband Chai Shao. In addition, Yang You got an angry news.
Chai Shao, this fellow actually killed this frenzied devil in the village department of Wangjiazhai! Yang You denounced that Yang You has always been very kind to the people, which is his foundation! Chai Shao destroyed his foundation, and Yang You will lose the foundation of Chai Shao!
Yang You sneered at this with a cold murder. He decided to storm Chai Shao and teach Chai Shao a lesson. Of course, storming Chai Shao doesn’t mean that Sui Jun killed it, which is not in line with the Yang You wind. What’s more, Sui Jun really killed it and may not be able to take advantage of it.
Chapter 19 Destroy your foundation ()
The night is getting thicker, and the cold wind is getting stronger. The whirring sound penetrates into Chai Shao’s eardrum from half to half. It’s like a cat crying in the middle of the night to stimulate Chai Shao and make Chai Shao feel agitated.
After thinking about it, he has already realized that this sudden appearance of Sui Jun is well prepared. There must be an ambush outside. At this night, it is dangerous to rush out. The best way is to wait for the dawn and give full play to the advantages of cavalry to find a way to kill it.
Chai Shao will command to soon the soldiers were busy tearing down several houses in the village head’s house. Several people joined forces to hem and haw and put huge beams on the intersection, then put them horizontally and blocked the intersection. Then the miscellaneous wood and stone piles were fully built. Two people were tall and the soldiers stopped watching with satisfaction and thought that Sui Jun must have no way to kill them.
Chai Shao constantly patrolled the east and west intersections and watched the soldiers finish all this until he was satisfied. He also divided the cavalry into several teams and patrolled the intersections and intersections around the street, keeping a close eye on Sui Jun’s movements.
Things done one by one Chai Shao this just breathed a sigh of relief, thought for half a day that it should be lost in one thousand, and then returned to the house with depressed mood. It was as cold as Chai Shao’s mood. He had something to sleep in his heart, and he paced in the room to think about where the clues were.
At this time, Sui Jun acted by moonlight and Yang You’s instructions. Because it was a westerly wind, Yang You took Qinbing to Ximen. The soldiers approached the village carefully according to Yang You’s instructions.
The houses in Wangjiazhai are mostly wooden bricks and tiles, and there are not many high and thick fences around them. In order to prevent wild boar, lone wolf and weasel from entering the village and stealing hundreds of people, Sui Jun approached cautiously and hardly made any noise, which did not attract Tang Jun’s attention.
In fact, because the fence side is mostly residential walls, Tang Jun can hardly find the Sui Jun plan
Sui army soldiers went smoothly near the fence and piled up dry wood and incense. When Kung Fu surrounded the west side of the village, Yang You watched and saw that the west wind was getting fiercer and fiercer. He couldn’t help but sneer at the ignition order.
Hundreds of Sui troops have been waiting for this moment for a long time. After hearing Yang You’s order to light flint to ignite dry wood and kindling, they withdrew and waited for the fire to ignite.
Although the weather is cold at this time, the water vapor is not heavy, and the firewood is easy to ignite. Soon, the fire of the fence rises with little fire sources, and the flames lick the water together. The fence has already dried up and violently fled.
The fire grew bigger and bigger, and soon the fence was swallowed up. The fire became bigger and bigger. The westerly wind of the flaming sky helped to sweep towards the east and devour everything that could be swallowed. The fire lit up the sky, and the smoke was like a black dragon twisting its body and running into the sky.
There is a fire in the west and a way out in Chai Shao. Two thousand crossbowmen in the east stare big eyes and wait for Tang Jun to come out and die. Yang You hurried to the east with Qinbing, and one thousand spearmen were ready. They had tied several rafts and then put spears in the face and firmly erected the road to block the way out in the east.
As far as Sui Jun’s murder was concerned, Chai Shao knew nothing about it. At this time, he felt bored and wanted to go out for some air. As soon as he walked out of the gate, he felt something was wrong. Is the moon so bright today?
Doubt Chai Shao looked up and cried and changed his face. The fire was a fire! Is Sui Jun actually make this despicable means? He can sneak attack! He can sneak attack! But also make fire attack when people are not looking!
I don’t know how long the fire has been burning. Why didn’t the soldiers find out that the enemy had set fire to it?
"Damn it!" Chai Shao scolded, so can the fire be put out?
At this time, the noisy footsteps sounded and several Tang Jun rushed to the front of Chai Shao and anxiously said something. Although it was messy, Chai Shao had listened to the general idea that Sui Jun had made the fire attack on the west side of Wangjiazhai, and it was necessary to evacuate quickly or it would become braised human flesh.
Chai Shao looked dignified. It’s not that he didn’t know the seriousness of the matter. He also wanted to withdraw from Wangjiazhai to avoid being burned to death by the conference. But he also knew that there must be an ambush in the east of Suijun. I’m afraid the final result will still be dead!
What should we do? Chai Shao’s forehead was sweating, and his heart was very anxious. He habitually paced and his arms trembled slightly.
At this time, with the help of the westerly wind, a large piece of ash spilled from time to time to make Chai Shao’s handsome face. This fire seems to be unable to be put out, and there must be some intrigue in Sui Jun when Tang Jun put out the fire.
Bullet Chai Shao finally determined to race! Now the situation is that there are tigers in the mountains and tigers in the mountains. Of course, there is no way to stay here and burn to death. If it is a thousand cavalry, there should be hope to kill it, right? Can at least some soldiers be killed out alive?
Chai Shao thought decisively reached the order.
Soon Tang Jun was mobilized. The fact is that they don’t need to be mobilized. They already know the seriousness of the matter. If they can’t be killed, they will be burned to braise in soy sauce in Sui Jun.
"rush!" Chai Shao horse drink a he shouted at the front of the cavalry.
Along the street, Tang Jun cavalry swarmed and shouted at the exit to inspire morale, but in a moment of shouting, Chai Shao shamefully turned his horse and rode into an alley and hid in the dark, waiting for the opportunity.
Yang You knew Chai Shao was going to give him a hard wave when he saw the crossbar moved at the intersection east of Wangjiazhai. The soldiers raised their crossbows and stared at the intersection for a moment, and then the front came like thunder, and the horseshoes were coming towards the east.
In the blazing light of night, Tang Jun fighters swept like a storm. At the front were hundreds of Turkish elites waving machetes, and their mouths were full of words that Yang You could not understand.
Turks are violent. At this time, they know that this rush is very likely to die, but if they don’t rush, they will definitely die. Their faces are bravely charging forward with ferocious expressions.
"shoot!" In the firelight, Yang You’s resolute expression doesn’t have a trace of emotion. The Turks disgust him and have a strong resistance to foreign Yang You. How many people have these Turks killed?
Damn it, Turks! What’s even more damn is that Tang gaozu, this fellow, colluded with Turks to slaughter the Central Plains people, this fucking thing!
Yang You’s angry eyes covered the sun, and the arrow feather blaster came out. Just now, the Turkish cavalry came crashing down and gave a heavy ring.
They fell into the pit, were pierced by sharp stumps, and were shot in the throat. Their hands clung to their throats and tried to say something, but in the end they couldn’t say anything. The main horse was planted from the saddle and was quickly washed away by the knight behind. The situation became even more chaotic.
Although he knew he was dead, Tang Jun was still fierce and fearless. He charged less than one wick of incense, and Tang Jun organized less than ten times to charge. The momentum was amazing
However, Yang You commanded Sui Jun crossbowman to shoot steadily when Tang Jun charged, and Tang Jun retired temporarily. At the same time, Sui Jun was also preparing for Tang Jun’s charge. Thus, as soon as Tang Jun’s charge was beaten back, Tang Jun’s body gradually filled the deep pit dug by the Sui army in advance.
However, the filling of the deep pit also enabled Tang Jun cavalry to rush further. After several rounds of shooting, Sui Jun’s crossbowmen consumed a lot of physical strength, and the shooting density, speed and intensity dropped greatly. Dozens of Tang Jun rushed out of the coverage of the arrow feather and sprinted away toward the distance.
Chai Shao hid in the dark and estimated the loss of Ma Jun’s manager. Naturally, he would not rush ahead foolishly, but let the Turks do cannon fodder. At this time, he saw that the soldiers had rushed out by the light of fire, and his heart was not happy. He quickly waved his hand and commanded Qinbing to "go!"
However, just a moment ago, the horse whined even more. In front of them, it turned out to be a raft full of spears. Many rafts blocked the road. The dense spears made people feel chilly. A dozen horses fell dead, and there were many holes in the raft’s predecessor.
Spear power steeds turned out to be crashing and half-lived, and there was no hope.
Chai Shao was surprised and angry when he stopped his horse. He looked up and saw that the fire had crossed the central axis of Wangjiazhai and pressed toward the east. "Straight thief!" Chai Shao denounced but denounced to no avail. How can he rush out at this time?
Straight thief! Chai Shao’s heart glared at him, and he looked at his confidant and sighed.
In Yang You’s cold eyes, Tang Jun suffered a great blow. As Tang Jun fell one by one, a little pity rose in Yang You’s heart. It was not a pity that he killed the enemy, but a pity that these horses were 1,000. You know, Daxing City also has 5,000 cavalry. This is a lot of wealth!
But you can’t have your cake and eat it, and there’s no way. Things are slow and fast. The impact of Tang Jun is getting smaller and smaller, and the number of people is getting smaller and smaller. Finally, the whole battlefield is left groaning. Tang Jun seems to have been wiped out
Chapter ninety Destroy your foundation (in)
The thick smell of blood in the air makes people feel very uncomfortable. The soldiers can’t help but hold their noses, but the pungent smell still can’t stop entering their noses.
And waited for a moment. Yang You got up and sniffed the thick blood in the air. Chai Shao died? This fellow is so brave? In the face of death, he did not hesitate to choose the charge? Yang You’s eyes slowly swept across the battlefield, and he asked scouts to tell Excavate cavalry to wander around Wangjiazhai and never let suspicious people go!
The scouts flew to Yang You and waved a thousand spearmen to get up and clean the battlefield in twos and threes with horizontal knives in their hands.
At this time, the fire in Wangjiazhai has burned to the east, making people’s eyes shine. The sky is red like blood. Sui sergeant soldiers will also moan that Tang Jun killed the Turks with a knife, especially when they were almost cut down. Even his parents didn’t know each other.
Fiona Fang, a soldier of the Sui army, kept searching for news in one hundred steps, and kept coming to Yang You’s ears, but he didn’t find any news from Chai Shao. His armor and dress of an army general must be different from that of ordinary soldiers, but after searching for the whole battlefield for more than half an hour, he still didn’t appear.
"Run away?" Yang You wondered in his heart, but he believed that Chai Shao was not so easy to escape when Li Jing was surrounded by 1000 cavalry.
"Or did he change his armor to hide his eyes and ears?" Yang You kept thinking that it was almost time for the moon to hang and watch the world kill coldly, and it would shine on the earth. It seems that it has become accustomed to this.
Sui Jun carefully carried away the injured and rescued horses and counted about one hundred slightly injured horses. It is still a good horse that needs careful treatment. More than 900 horses are dead or seriously injured, and they will definitely not be saved. This number makes Yang You feel sore.
At this time, the fire in Wangjiazhai is getting smaller and smaller, and the west has become a pile of ruins. From time to time, smoke is burning in the east and there are stars, but it is not that big.
"Can the temple be withdrawn?" Weisong came and asked.
Yang You hesitated to catch Chai Shao. What happened? He was a little unwilling to ponder seriously, "send someone to the village to look for it."
The soldiers had to make them bypass the burning wood pile and slowly search for Yang You. After thinking about it, they also stepped into the Wangjiazhai, where a group of people, such as Dugu Qianshan Mountain, were scattered around and guarded Yang You warily into the village.
At this time, the whole village smells of coke and meat, which is the smell of people being cooked.
Yang You walked slowly on a flat ground and stopped. It seems to be a small courtyard with broken bricks and tiles. Not all wooden houses show that this is a relatively rich family.
Such a family, such a village, Chai Shao has vanished in the back and turned into a dense grave of bones. Will they be willing?
Time passed quickly. After half an hour, the soldiers almost searched the village. They gradually came back and told the stockade that there was no trace of Chai Shao. The soldiers must have escaped even after seeing the well.
Yang You sighed and waved and was about to speak when a big drink came not far away. "Who and what came out!"
What’s going on? Yang You raised an eyebrow and Qian Shan dugu ran over to see a Suibing with a belt in one hand and a horizontal knife in the other.

"You can’t say that I have heard that Taoism has been specialized in various fields," Liang Zan explained. "I have a certain understanding of witchcraft in scenic areas since I was a child, and that old man Yuan is obviously a Taoist. Although Taoism was born out of the original witchcraft, it has changed a lot after thousands of years of evolution."

"What’s the difference?" I asked.
Liang Zan ha ha smiled. "Lord Pei Xi, do you want me to give you a lecture hall of the original witchcraft Taoism? You need to know that the old man Yuan is an out-and-out Taoist who is proficient in Yin and Yang, evoking spirits and catching ghosts."
It suddenly occurred to me that just now the old man Yuan manipulated the corpse and repeated the matter with Liang Zan. After listening to Liang Zan, he was somewhat surprised and said, "That should be a kind of spell to drive away the corpse, but there are also differences. It should be a kind of corpse control." Speaking of this, Liang Zan himself was somewhat surprised and continued, "But this corpse control should belong to witchcraft. How can this old man Yuan make it? ….. Oh, don’t think about it. Anyway, you have to know that even the corpse control technique is also some witchcraft that is not far away, and the witchcraft like your girlfriend is the power of the old witchcraft theory. Your girlfriend is great. "
I nodded in silence. BuJin is terrible. I naturally know it very well.
"Well, that’s about it here. If you want to hand it," Ryazan said.
When the light of my beater’s barrel flashed, I almost didn’t turn my back to see this man in front of me. Where is it? Liang Zan saw this man dressed in a shabby Qing dynasty official wearing a flower feather, and all sides were bloody and angry.
I felt like I touched it all over. It was almost a conditioned reflex. I smashed the guy’s head directly with a barrel of cutting, and then I started to run, only to be caught by that guy. Looking back, I saw that guy dragging my arm with one hand and rubbing his head with the other, muttering, "Oh, my God, your hands are really not light. I knew this so I would wake you up."
As soon as I listen to this theory of pronunciation, I praise it both in pronunciation, intonation and style of speech. Sometimes it is not difficult to learn a person’s voice, but to learn a person’s way of speaking perfectly.
"Don’t worry, you didn’t run into a ghost. I’m Ryazan." That guy wiped his face on the cuff and then picked up the hand tube and took a photo of his face. "How about that?"
His face was haunted by the Qing dynasty officials, and it was even more devastating to be photographed by the cold light of the hand barrel at the moment. I quickly scolded, "Let it go, I know."
Ryazan, this just loosened my arm.
I asked, "Why are you wearing this suit? Where can I get it? "
Ryazan said with a relaxed expression, "Just turned it out in the dead pile."
"Are you crazy? Why are you wearing this thing?"
"I admire seal adult you and I love to wear? Didn’t you see those cave demons just now? Their eyesight is not good. They can judge the position of their prey by sound and smell. "Liang Zan explained," The best way to encounter cave demons is not to put submachine guns in this cave like the big idiot. It’s strange that cave demons don’t attack him. "
"What does that have to do with you being dressed all over?" I asked.
"Of course there is. Didn’t I tell you that the cave demon will judge the prey’s position according to the smell? This Qing dynasty official has been dead for hundreds of years, and my clothes are covered with corpse gas. I can’t smell that I am a living person when I wear it."
At this time, it suddenly occurred to me that the old man Yuan once said to me that Liang Zan was born to attract some unclean things because of the gathering of things, but I still didn’t say it when the words came to my mouth. I think the so-called yin qi corpse gas is still different. Those cave demons are not unclean in the strict sense. At most, they are not a group of vicious and strange creatures. The corpse gas of the old yin qi can be smelled, but I’m afraid it doesn’t have a sense of smell.
I changed the subject and said, "Stop talking so much. Where’s Gao Peng?"
"Come with me here," Ryazan said, taking me to a sunken cave wall, where the cave is more spacious than before, and the estimated diameter is already five or six meters away.
Chapter 44 Be careful
Chapter 44 Be careful
A look at Gao Peng is not here Ryazan face also crossed a little surprised.
I asked, "Don’t you mean people here in Gao Peng?"
Ryazan scratched his head and you gave me an embarrassed smile and said, "Oh, it’s not good to play hide-and-seek at this time."
"Don’t fart," I said, but I didn’t mean to blame Ryazan, so I asked, "He wasn’t taken away by something in this cave, was he?"
"I don’t think so," Ryazan said. "I have examined it carefully for a long time before I left and told that Gao Peng never to leave here."
If something happens to Gao Peng this trip, I guess I will regret it for a generation.
But when Liang Zan and I were a little surprised, suddenly a voice rang behind us-"What’s the matter?"
The sound is not loud and the tone is dull, but it sounds a little erratic, which makes people feel inexplicably like swallowing a fly alive.
Both Ryazan and I were surprised. I suddenly turned around and went to see a man wearing ancient soldier leather behind us. The man didn’t dodge when he met strong light, but went straight there and said, "It’s me."
Liang Zan and I both breathed a sigh of relief when the light shone. This man was none other than Gao Peng. He was wearing an ancient soldier’s leather armor, so it was probably Liang Zan’s idea to cover up his anger.
"Gao Peng, didn’t I just tell you not to leave this place?" Ryazan sounded relaxed, but I could still hear a reproach from it.
Gao Peng replied, "I went to take a piss."
Ryazan and I looked at each other and didn’t say anything. Ryazan’s eyes flashed a trace of hesitation. Soon he asked Gao Peng, "Are you all right?"
"Nothing," Gao Peng replied with a puzzled look in his eyes. "What can I do?"
Ryazan sighed "Ah" and said, "Nothing is good, nothing is good, let’s move on."
I didn’t ask much after listening to it. I patted Gao Peng on the shoulder and said, "You really scared me. It’s a good thing you’re okay. Let’s go."
I was just about to lift my feet and walk when Liang Zan pulled my arm. I looked back and asked him what was wrong.
Liang Zan said to me, "Nothing is your shoelaces. Please hurry."
"Ah?" I looked down at my hand tube and found that the shoelaces of my shoes were well rooted and there were no loose marks. I looked up and was about to scold Liang Zan, but I heard Liang Zan haha laughed. "I’m kidding you, Lord Pei Xi."
I greeted Ryazan’s ancestors in a low voice and immediately went to them. This time, Gao Peng went to the front and Ryazan and I followed.
Liang Zan was strangely silent all the way, and he didn’t walk fast. If we changed the scene, we would have been walking in the park at a faster pace.
Although Liang Zan didn’t talk, I waited for him to answer my questions from the first moment, so I asked, "Is Liang Zan an old man’s cave?"
Liang Zan didn’t respond. I asked him again. He just seemed to wake up from a rude awakening, as if he had been in a daze since just now.
Liang Zan asked me what I said just now, but I’m fine. I repeated the question just now. After listening to it, Liang Zan sighed exaggeratedly and said, "I, Lord Pei Xi, want me to tell you many times. I’ve already told you that it’s my first time to come to Shennongjia like you. How can I know if this is an old man’s cave?"
"What? !” When I heard this, I almost lost my breath on the spot and said to him, "Then why did you say on the intercom that this is not an old man’s hole?"
"I don’t say that, silly soldiers. Will they come? If they don’t come, the three of us will never have a chance to get rid of them," Ryazan explained.
As soon as I heard this, I thought it made sense, so I said, "But anyway, it’s good that our bodies haven’t changed or reacted."
"That’s not certain." Ryazan’s words are like a pot of cold water pouring on my head.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"If there are any changes, we may not be able to see them now. Sometimes some changes happen from the outside. It is very likely that when we find that we have some changes, it will be too late."
Ryazan said this in an unusually flat and calm tone, as if he were not in this cave himself.
After listening to this, I felt a kind of unspeakable taste. After thinking for a while, I asked Liang Zan, "How sure do you think this is an old man’s cave?"
"I don’t know," Liang Zan replied. "But if I ask intuitively, I don’t think this is an old man’s cave, because there are too many guards here, just like a game. Every time we walk in this cave, there will be some danger waiting for us in front of us, and so will the ancient worms in the water. I think they are a group of guards. I’m afraid there is still a long way to go, right, Gao Peng?"
I don’t know what Ryazan suddenly remembered to ask for Gao Peng’s advice. It’s not only me, but even Gao Peng himself was a little surprised. He stopped in front, looked back for a while and nodded "Yes".
Then turned his head and walked on.
After about a cigarette, we came to a corner of about forty-five degrees. I don’t know what, but I always feel that Liang Zan deliberately controlled his pace and let Gao Peng go to the front alone.

Xu Shiji smiled and laughed. "I didn’t expect you to figure it out so soon. You are a talent. This time, you attacked Yanzhou and made great contributions. After saying that you will be rewarded, you won’t follow Meng Haigong. Come with me. I will recommend you to the position."

When Jiang Shanhe heard this, he said, "Thank you, General Xu."
Luoyang palace
Li Chongjiu was quite satisfied with Xu Yuanlang’s work after learning the news of his father’s murder from Xu Shiji. Attacking Yanzhou was not to be ignored for the whole war situation, and even worse, he almost attacked without a fight.
Li Chongjiu praised Xu Shiji Wang Bo when he replied to the memorial. For Xu Shiji’s recommendation of Jiang Shanhe Tiger Tooth Lang, he also wrote a word to be continued.
Chapter six hundred and twenty-six The situation in Shandong
Li Chongjiu finished replying to the memorial when Yu Shinan, Zhang Xuansu and Xue Wanshu came to visit together.
The three men sat down on Zhang Xuansu Road. "It’s been half a year since I marched south to Luoyang. Now my foot soldiers are homesick and have returned to Italy. Wang Zaifu told Turkic Koguryo that the border is unstable and the potential difference is bad. When people come to ask you, can they drive back to Beijing?"
Li Chongjiu said, "I also want to return to Beijing, but I still don’t trust Luoyang. I’m worried that if I return to Beijing in the north, the front foot will just leave Tang gaozu’s hind foot and then destroy Xiao Xian first, and then attack Luoyang. Then Henan will shake and the result will be a hard work."
Xue Wanshu said, "It’s easy for Li Yuan to take it when Luoyang is guarded by a micro-minister and a single general, but it’s a long time since Beijing is the capital. I’m afraid that Wang Zaifu’s actions are steady, but Chen Zaifu’s illness always makes you watch and stare."
Li Chongjiu’s eyes are folded. Although he is far away from Luoyang, he also knows that the cremation of Hebei does not stop. After Lu moved, the cremation of Hebei was slightly settled. Now, some people are secretly stirring up the wind and rain. This is not against Li Chongjiu or trying to overthrow Zhao, but taking advantage of Li Chongjiu’s not staying in Beijing for some profit.
Li Chongjiu light tunnel "I know that I will determine the matter of returning to Beijing as soon as possible"
"Positions yanzhou pacified after the next step is to take shandong? Or Jianghuai? " Yu Shinan asked Li Chongjiu.
Li Chongjiu asked, "Who do you think is the first?"
Yu Shinan said, "Yanzhou is attacking Shandong like a turtle in a jar, but Wang Yaohan, the manager of Bianzhou, Li Tang, is still sealed as a major town of Tongji Canal. If the Yellow River and the Yangtze River are opened, even a river will be blocked."
Xue Wanshu got up and said, "Both are beneficial, but Shandong Jianghuai can’t give consideration to both the situation and the situation. The imperial court Du Fuwei has a tacit understanding. Now if it penetrates Jianghuai, it will be the former Jianghuai enemy battle."
"So do you want to go to Shandong first and then Jianghuai?" Yu Shinan asked.
Li Chongjiu took one look and said, "Xue Aiqing said that it’s easy before it’s difficult. I can’t hit people with two fists. Shandong has a three-legged system, and Jianghuai has a Du Fuwei. Our army has already won Yanzhou to draw the level of Shandong."
Zhang Xuansu said, "The pursuit of Li Gong Shun Zangjun is a chunyu difficult Wang Bo Meng Hai Gong Xu Yuanlang is different from Wang Meng, and Xu has ulterior motives, so our army will divide and conquer, but Li Gong Shun Zangjun is a chunyu difficult. All three of them have taken refuge in Li Tang. If our army moves eastward, these three people will surely hold our army together for World War I."
Beihai jun dongyang cheng
A man in his thirties in the lobby of the county government looked at the man’s hand with relish with a historical record and turned over a page.
"You’re still in the mood at this time of Changshi Gongdu."
The 30-year-old man looked up at the big fellow beside him and smiled. "I’m seeing something wonderful. You see how well Taishi Gongli said it. Gaozu pacified Tianwei, added the sea and sang the wind."
The big fellow wry smile way "high-impedance now and what do we have? Xu Yuanlang is finished, Yanzhou is attacked, and Li Chongjiu is going to open the door and go east to Shandong, and I, you and Lao Zang are going to die."
The big fellow who spoke was Qi Gong, who obeyed Shandong and was also the leader of Xu Yuanlang Meng Haigong and Wang Bo. At his side, the scribe was a long history. Liu Lan and Liu Lan were the colleagues of Liu Lan who pushed out and voted for Qi Gongshun after Beihai County’s first defeat.
After Liu Lan, Li Gongshun was obedient to him. From then on, Shandong was out of control. Li Gongshun not only attacked Beihai County, but also defeated Hai Zhou County’s fierce Zangjunxiang’s 50,000-strong army. After Liu Lan saw that Li Yuan had captured Chang’ an and proclaimed himself emperor, he said that Li Yuan took refuge in Li Tang. Li Yuan was very valued for Qi Liu. It can be said that without Liu Lan, there would be no Li Gongshun today.
Liu Lan listened to Qi Gongshun and said, "I don’t know about this matter. Wang Bo, the king of Shandong governors, has repeatedly acted in favor of both ends of the snake and mouse. This person is most afraid of death, but Li Chongjiu threatened him, and he dropped Meng Haigong. Although this person is resourceful, he can’t even make a plan. It is only a matter of time before he can surrender. Xu Yuanlang’s army is strong and Ma Zhuang’s Yanzhou has also been operating for many years. But this person is arrogant and unwilling to live in front of people. This is not that he wants to steal and play tricks in front of Li Chongjiu.
However, listening to Liu Lan’s explanation of the success or failure of Wang Bo, Meng Haigong and Xu Yuanlang, made Li Gongshun listen with admiration.
"I’m a good strategist, I’m a good Zhuge," said Gong Shunshun with a look of worship. "Do you think Zhao has a fighting capacity?"
Liu Lanfang put his hand in the historical records. "Are you kidding? Li Chongjiu swept the Qidan East Town in the north, Koguryo pressed Li Yuannan in the west, and defeated Wang Shichong’s military forces, but he was a lion in hundreds of battles and a great soldier like Xu Shiji, Xue Wanche. Is it possible for us to stop a mere Beihai County? "
After being teased by Liu Lan, Ziguongshun changed his color. "Is that good?" I have listened to your advice to vote for Li Tang. If I had known this, I might as well vote for Li Chongjiu. "
Liu Lan laughed. "Don’t be surprised. I haven’t finished yet. Our army can’t compete with the Tiger and Wolf Division of the State of Zhao, but if we unite Zang Jun and Xiang Chun, it’s still possible."
Li Gongshun was relieved when he heard this. "You scared me, but if you want to unite against Zhao, I don’t think these two people may be willing to really help me."
Liu Landao said, "It’s hard to handle a surname. Zhao Jun took him from Dengzhou. Both sides have already tied the knot and asked him to help our army break Zhao Bi’s promise."
Li Gongshun still said with a bitter face, "But it’s hard to do it alone, Zang Junxiang. Don’t forget him. You can have revenge."
Li Gongshun refers to an attack on Beihai County by Zang Jun with a 50,000-strong army. Liu Lan offered a plan to Li Gongshun, saying that Zang Jun came from a long distance and would not be prepared. Li Gongshun invited the general to attack the camp twice, followed Liu Lan’s plan, led 5,000 elite soldiers to advance secretly, and suddenly attacked Zang Junxiang at night when he approached Zangjun for dozens of miles.
Liu Landao said, "Zang Jun is not ignorant of the truth that his lips are dead and his teeth are cold. He can ask the Tang master for instructions and let him grant one person to control Shandong University."
Li Gongshun clapped his hands and smiled. "Yes, I forgot to make you come forward so that I can effectively mobilize Zangjun to protect Beihai County."
Liu Lan smiled and shook his head. "I don’t mean to let the generals be awarded to you or to Zang Junxiang?"
"What?" Li Gongshun showed an incredible expression to be continued.

Sun Yueer palm appeared a black bead!

At Jiang Feng, "There are some things you don’t need to know."
Jiang Feng beaten when not much to ask.
Look around "so how should we get out! ?”
"Go against the sky."
Sun Yueer saw Jiang Xiaoxiao and saw that there was nothing wrong with her before she continued, "This time, after we suffered heavy losses, you can leave the ethereal palace for the time being, and we will help you cope with it together."
Jiang Feng nodded his head.
He also knows that this death and injury has caused a great blow to the older fighters in this world.
"Let’s go!"
For the sake of safety, Jiang Feng put Jiang Xiaoxiao into the apocalypse bead.
At Sun Yueer nodded his head.
Two people immediately fly up and rushed towards the virtual.
"whoosh!" I don’t know how long it has been before when the streamer flashes, and the two of them plunged into the black water.
With a surge of waves
Two people feel that their bodies are constantly rubbing their faces, and when they come to their senses, they find that they have floated in the Dead Sea.
"Brush!" Sun Yueer is quick of hand and quick of eye, and a huge warship appears in the dead sea.
At the same time, the two of them have a good meal.
Under great pressure, he fell straight into the ground and became an ordinary person again.
Two people slowly fall bow.
"Let’s go!" Sun Yueer manipulated two people all the way along the Dead Sea.
This time, there was no attack by bone fish.
Also didn’t encounter bone dragon attack, bon voyage, and soon they have used the Dead Sea.
Sun Yueer is ready.
Go to nearby ideal city to deliver the array law.
With a light flashing, the two men went straight back to the ethereal palace.
"Xiao Xiao has just awakened. Many things need to be laid. Give her to me." Sun Yueer suddenly said.
Jiang Feng didn’t refute.
Immediately called Jiang Xiaoxiao from the Apocalypse Pearl.
At this time, Jiang Xiaoxiao suddenly appeared somewhere else with a hazy face. "Father … Master … this …"
"I’ll take you to stay with grandmaster and practice hard these days!"
"But … but I want my father …" Jiang Xiaoxiao pursed his mouth.
"I want an alchemist to treat your mother, so you can stay with the Emperor for a while and I’ll pick you up." Jiang Fengkou said.
When I heard that I had to treat my mother.
Jiang Xiaoxiao smiles at the moment. "So can I see my mother every day?"
"That’s natural!"
"That’s great! Little willing to grandmaster live together "Jiang Xiaoxiao excited.
Jiang Feng looked at her and nodded his head.
Watched Sun Yueer with a little away from Jiang Feng himself immediately turned and went to the nearby city.
Although he found the main medicine
If you want to treat Chu Shine, you need more things. He must search together as soon as possible.
Jiang Fengli is at the same time
Sun Yueer has come to the back with Jiang Xiaoxiao.
The Emperor of Heaven has been waiting here.
"This to harvest such as! ?” The emperor of the ages asked
Sun Yueer is very respectful to Jiang Xiaoxiao, but he kneels aside with his head down and doesn’t talk.
"Everything has been completed, but there is one thing I don’t know whether to speak or not." Sun Yueer looked up at the Emperor of Heaven.
"say it!"
"The magic thing inside gave Jiang Feng a way to come back to life and I don’t know if it is feasible."
"It takes millions of people’s blood to display it."
When I heard that, the Emperor of Heaven frowned.
After thinking about it, it seems that there is such a method, but it is too bloody. In those days, the magic thing was really revived by this method.
I cann’t believe he still has it

"What happened?"

Ann check Confucianism see two people in a hurry immediately asked
"But after the necromancer set foot 500 meters away, we saw that those monsters are top quasi-holy monsters!"
"And we saw with our own eyes that the necromancer blocked Wang Chuanyi’s energy shield. It can’t be said that it swallowed up power, just like it is dead here!"
The Wangs revealed that Wang Dacheng also called the humanoid monster the necromancer.
They are as dangerous as the dead, and they are mobile and realistic, and their strength has gradually evolved to be comparable to that of Terrans.
Top quasi-saints are not afraid!
Many quasi-saints here have the standard of setting foot on half a step.
But this is a ruin, the home of the dead.
They are equivalent to being bound by five-star power here.
Such as competition!
"The realm, the quasi-saint and the top quasi-saint seem to have been derived from saints and necromancers."
Looking intently at Wang Chuan Ku and Wang Chuanyi, the two brothers stopped Confucianism and didn’t expect them to be so capable.
Not everyone can escape from the top quasi-holy necromancer.
"I think so. If we continue to walk to the tomb of the top sage, we should have reached the end. Then, I’m afraid there are corpses everywhere."
Took a deep breath Wang Chuanyi cautious way
Honorable person! But to the best of the stars, the strong ranks at the top of all the strong!
Such a strong man is buried in this ruin.
The quasi-holy realm necromancer has been derived from saints and venerable ones. Can the necromancer be far behind?
What should I do if I meet you then!
An Zhiru smiled bitterly, and now they seem to be in a dilemma unconsciously.
791 Chapter 791 Information exposure
"Dare to ask, but this is the Baijia Tianjiao Escort?"
Then a deep sound came on.
Familiar with timbre disturbed Su Yu’s meditation. His eyes were deep and closed.
The outside questioner is Lin Qianyi.
Ann’s perception has been put into the nearby necromancer.
She’s on her guard. She’s been working very hard and responsible all the way.
"Be at peace, be at peace"
They seem to have been attacked by the necromancer.
In peace, it is obviously a good word for Lin Qianyi. Its intuition tells her that Su Yu and Lin Qianyi are different.
"Well, you should pay attention to the surroundings first."
Lightly sighed Su Yu touched the little head in peace and light way
He and Lin Qian didn’t make any contradiction. Su Yu didn’t know how to explain to Lin Qian-yi.
"An An An"
In light of the soft Meng nodded and continued to note around.
"Master Wu Shengge less? Come in. "
Wusheng Pavilion is a bit stronger than Ziya Mountain.
An Zhiru didn’t expect Wu Shengge to suddenly join the surprise, which was even more surprising.
Consumed a lot of Lingbao, and now suddenly let him quit and stop Confucianism, naturally unwilling.
Now Wu Shengge comes over and he doesn’t have to quit.
"Stop Confucianism!"
Lin Qianyi’s eyebrows were merged with his saints and escorts.
The Baijia Tianjiao Escort has once again increased by nearly 60 people, and the scope has been expanded a little bit.
From the perspective of Lin Qianyi, Su Yu, Baizu and Ziyashan were divided into three camps.

A pale and weak man came, and his eyes came with excitement. "Good … great! It’s great that a living person has finally come after 500 years. Hello, hello … My name is Sun Wu. I don’t know what this gentleman’s name is! "

Imperial Heaven "Imperial Heaven!"
Sun Wu "good name is really a good name! I don’t know what to do here? "
What does Yutian do? Just ask some things and hope that Sun Wu will not be stranger. "
Sun Wu: "Let me know what you want to ask!"
Yutian "wants to ask Sun Wu about the memory of Sun Wu, who inherited Xuangong in his blood!"
Sun Wu "What … Xuangong and Memory!"
Sun Wu said that some koo eyes looked at the imperial sky, but there was a wildness in this eye.
Imperial day double talk about a narrow said dryly, "what? Can’t you? "
"No, it’s not impossible. This demon race is naturally suitable for them to practice. You humans don’t have to go!"
Sun Wu said that it seems to be really this kind of demon race, Chengxian, who rarely has human beings to practice.
Yutian shook his head and stared at this simple Sun Wu, but also looked at the lotus flower at the mouth of the cave. "Tell me all the secrets of the Nine Xuangong and I will take it off!"
In a word, this Sun Wu has been dumbfounded, and then his simple eyes have disappeared. Instead, this is fierce. "Ho … you know that this lotus flower is the seal. Who are you?"
"It doesn’t matter who I am to get what I want. This seal will naturally help you get rid of it!"
Imperial Heaven sits directly on a stone bench and stares at Sun Wu with a hint of ponder.
At this moment, I have decided that Sun Wu, a monkey that has been suppressed for 500 years, is going crazy to get rid of it.
Thinking of this, Sun Wu stared fiercely at Yutian and immediately said, "OK … I hope you can keep your promise!"
In a word, this Sun Wu has told us about the method of blood inheritance!
"Nine XuanGong this is born blood stream fairy definitely besides seventy-two variable somersault cloud amazing stick …"
Sun Wu didn’t hide anything. For him, there is no freedom to cherish now. Besides, these immortal roots can’t be cultivated by ordinary people
Imperial heavenly heart thoughts will remember this nine XuanGong heart "is really some meaning? I actually got the nine Xuangong of Buddhism in the wild, but this Xuangong creation of the Wu nationality’s body refining technique is also considered as the Wu nationality’s body refining technique. This monkey is also in the blood of Sun Wu’s projection in the Westward Journey World. Unfortunately, it is only the first five turns of the nine Xuangong that there are no four turns behind it. "
Thinking about his seventy-two changes of fairy method again with regret is a kind of change, which represents the number of magical powers. Compared with the thirty-six changes of the highest day, I still have some awareness, but practicing the thirty-six changes of the highest day requires thirty-six kinds of god beasts and jingxie.
The thoughts in my heart will remember Sun Wu’s oral center method in my heart.
"That’s all. Destroy the lotus!"
Sun Wu’s eagerness is even more wild.
Imperial heaven chuckled and jumped directly outside the cave.
The cultivation of the Nine Xuangong requires mana and pure mana, the better. The main purpose of the Nine Xuangong is to absorb the essence to cultivate this kind of thing, which is better than the nine Xuangong’s nine Xuangong’s three Xuangong’s three Xuangong’s. I really need to practice again when I think of it. It is best to turn the physique into a congenital creature to cultivate nature with half the effort.
Thought of here, the celestial gaze kept calling the monkey to slowly pick off the lotus!
"Boom …"
The fire burned in the cave and roared!
"Roar … an old out! Haha … If you come, you can’t hold me down! "
Sun Wu rushed out of the cave to suppress the Buddha statue that fell to the ground with singing armor.
"Boom …"
The breath of destruction when he stepped on his right foot presented an instant. The Buddha statue directly fractured and Sun Wu roared, "Tathagata … crushed me for five hundred years … today, he killed all the Buddhist brothers in this world! Roar … "
Sun Wu’s first gaze before stepping forward was the Imperial Heaven.
"Small ….. you’re so dragging that you threaten my Sun Wu to die?"
The fierce monkey growled at the Imperial Heaven.
Imperial Heaven looked at Sun Wu with his back to his back. "An uneducated monkey dares to talk big."
"You want to die!"
Sun Wu was furious and rushed directly to the Imperial Heaven!
Yutian poked out a punch and said, "Chaos Strike-Evolution of Yin and Yang!"
Chaos fist appears with the grinding of Yin and Yang. Sun Wu growls fiercely and throws a fist.
This is just an ordinary punch. There is no doorway to sneer at the sky. This Sun Wu is really confident in his own flesh. I don’t know how powerful it is to practice the ninth Xuangong or rely on pure mana to practice the third turn!
"Boom …"
Two punches touching Sun Wu’s eyes to enlarge, I can’t believe staring at this scene. "How is it possible!"
There are some limits to the strength of the mighty power to blink and fly Sun Wu’s nine Xuangong, and there are also some secrets to the weakness of Sun Wu’s nine Xuangong. Sun Wu’s three turns are at most comparable to the seven turns of the Imperial Heaven, and there are still two turns left, which can naturally suppress Sun Wu.
A step directly rushed to Sun Wu.
Sun Wu was dumbfounded but fierce. Sun Wu directly lashed out at a black stick.
"This is the best. It’s too lame!"
With a gentle stroke of the imperial heaven, the chaotic sword appears to cover the sky, and the world merges with several magical materials to become Excalibur. Excalibur appears to be comparable to the acquired one, if not innate.
"A sword gives birth to the world!"
The chaotic color world is directly transformed into a streamer to cut to Sun Wu.
Chapter 429 Broken virtual
"Bang …"
The golden cudgel instantly breaks into flying ashes, and the chaotic sword cuts directly at Sun Wu.
Sun Wu wild eyes full of murder "roar …"
Suddenly Sun Wu turned into a prototype and a huge orangutan appeared.
"Boom …"
The unreal world falls directly on this gorilla.
Gorillas struggled, but after all, it was not Sun Wu, but a projection.
"Boom …"
The earth is shattered, the sky is shattered, the sky is shattered, and the imaginary chaotic world disappears, leaving a bloody monkey.
"Too weak? Or am I too strong! Dividing this monkey according to the heaven-covering world is considered a respect, but even a respect can’t pick me up! "
With a wave of his hand, a dark pagoda rushed out of the pagoda, and a golden monkey fell directly in front of the giant orangutan
"Zun … this is Sun Wu. There is a trace of source in this, that is, the four chaotic monkeys!"
"Almost? You will swallow it to see if it can evolve, and you don’t know what the difference is between the holy apes and the lingshi monkeys! "

Seriously, I feel a little uncomfortable listening to this! What do you mean, a dying person? Speak clearly!

I took a sideways look at the female ghost and said, I’ll live. Watch this.
Female the ghost shouted at me and said yes! I’ll watch from the ghost castle
I ordered one, then pointed my finger at a female ghost and pointed my middle finger and forefinger at my eyes.
I feel handsome in an instant!
I said wipe your eyes.
After leaving the ghost house, Piper and I went back to the corridor.
The pungent smell of blood is stronger.
I asked Piper if I was handsome just now.
Piper gave me a ha ha laugh and said, "Handsome chicken feather."
I squinted at Piper and said, envy, jealousy, hate?
I guess Piper was right and said to me, Go and find clues, or it’s all over.
When I heard this, I felt that Piper was right. I ordered one and said to Piper, OK … OK!
Then we walked along the corridor.
Before it came out, the female ghost also told us that she was not the only ghost in the ghost castle. Every room has ghosts, and when you enter a room, you will encounter a different scene. For example, the beams in her room are hung with female corpses.
And I also heard a special classic saying from the female ghost that ghosts like dead people to decorate their rooms.
This sentence sounds really abnormal
According to the female ghost, there are many ghosts in this castle and all ghosts can be obtained with the naked eye! This suspicion made it more difficult for us to hide.
And ghosts are not you, even people are not necessarily good people.
Therefore, evil spirits are also very easy to see here.
Thought of this, I shook my head and said to myself, never meet evil spirits!
But after that, I turned to look at Piper! I said to piper, what’s that clue you just got?
I clearly remember Piper’s eyes were wide open when he saw the clue, and he looked very frightened.
I guess this clue is very important.
After saying this, my eyes turned to Piper.
Piper said to me, two ghosts
I was stunned! And say what?
Piper said that there are two ghost clues.
When I heard Piper’s words, I nodded my head and said, OK, this clue is very important. We should tell others as soon as possible.
Say this, I patted Pope on the shoulder.
Seven people playing hide-and-seek with two ghosts really have little chance of winning.
After getting this clue, let’s walk along the corridor!
Around the flames, we light up the way forward, but somehow it adds a sense of terror, especially when the flames move back and forth with the wind and their shadows move with them.
The whole haunted castle corridor has the sound of me and Pip walking.
The flame was bright and I looked down at the ground! The blood on the ground is getting bigger and bigger, which makes people panic.
What is waiting for us in front …’
There is so much blood in such a mysterious place! I have a very bad feeling.
After a walk on the second floor of the castle, I saw a staircase on the third floor.
Third floor! ?
Almost all of them are on the third floor to tell them that there are two ghosts.

One night is absurd, like stepping into a paradise, like floating clouds.

Teach people to live and die together and refuse to have the slightest separation.
The second day early in the morning, it was only after dawn that Ling Aner sneaked into Su Yu’s room with a birdbath and served Su Yu to wash and change clothes.
However, this little girl is absent-minded, and her face is red, and she has been secretly looking at the bed that is covered up and exquisite and charming.
Zhu is too tired and sleeping soundly.
"Little girl, what are you looking at? I’ll eat you!"
Su Yu smiled and casually played the bullet, Ling Aner’s smooth forehead.
"Ah ye, you scare people."
Linganer big shame then little complain.
"That I turn your card tonight are not allowed to run! It’s a deal! "
Su Yu smilingly looked down at Ling Aner.
Are you and I bluffing?
I am the emperor, and I am uncompromising!
Ling’ an’s voice is timid. She brims with shame, deeply lowers her head and promises to come.
At this moment, a servant voice interrupted the charming atmosphere of the room from outside the door.
"Grandpa three elders have been waiting in the hall. He said he would take you to Jiange to find someone."
Su Yu one leng rang yesterday and his uncle agreed that today is the day when he met his two sisters!
I can’t help feeling that I haven’t seen my childhood friends for a long time, and two beautiful women Rao is Su Yu’s calm mind.
You’re not the only ones who haven’t seen a beautiful woman in years, but you’re doing well
Su Yu looked slightly trance with a hint of remembrance and missing.
"Good grandfather comes!"
Ling Aner shouted at the door instead of Su Yu, and then she tugged at Su Yu’s sleeve. "Don’t let the three elders wait."
"Well, stay at home and I’ll arrange Zhao Yun to protect you."
Su Yu touched LingAn son head walked over and said
"Well, I listen to grandpa."
Ling Aner smiles like a beautiful flower, and Su Yu is moved by her deep affection and understanding.
Su Yu pushed the house to meet the three elders and then went out all the way. The carriage drove slowly towards the depths of Qinjian City.
224 Chapter 224 Catch people.
The three elders of the carriage and Su Yu sat on the cushion and chatted with each other. The three elders briefly introduced Qin Jian City to Su Yu.
Qinjian City is a city that must be formed by two major forces, Jiange and Qinhaiya. The ruling force is the Presbyterian Council, and after the merger of the two sects, most of the disciples are located in Jiange and Qinhaiya in the depths of the city.
There are two peaks in the depths of the city, which are towering into the sky and magnificent. A sword garden and a piano sea garden are built around these two peaks.
The whole city of Qinjian is still very huge. After driving for an hour with the carriage, I arrived at the sword cliff.
The Third Elder is a martial elder in Jianya, but his sword is not too big. He is a member of the city elders’ council.
"Come to Feather and Uncle!"
The three elders got into the carriage and took Su Yu to the foot of Jianya mountain peak. They flew fast to the mountain against the wind.
This is the elder, and his brother can walk on foot on the mountain. Occasionally, he looks up and envies Su Yu and the three elders.
"That’s the Three Elders!"
"Who is that little guy who can be personally led by the elders?"
"Alas, the lowest flying in Yufeng is also a master of burning the gods. I can’t wait!"
Su Yu smiled indifferently and quickly, and followed the three elders to a palace on the mountainside.
The mountain peak is big enough for thousands of younger brothers to gather here, so it doesn’t seem congested. It’s a forbidden area for cultivation. Even the three elders took Su Yu with them. According to the three elders, Su Mier cultivated immortal kendo at the top of the mountain.
Su Yu’s two sisters are praised for their outstanding talents, which are the two great beauties of Qinjian City. The strength of Qinjian and Qinbudo is extremely deep, which can be called the contemporary signboard of Qinjian City.
Three elders and Su Yu Palace are sitting.
"Haha, today is a coincidence. Today is the end of the month. It happens that two girls will discuss Qindao and Wudao with each other today, and we don’t have much effort to go to Qinhaiya to find the emblem sound."
Three elder ha ha smiled at Su Yu and said, "Feather, wait a moment. I’ll send someone and the elder to inform you. Later, we’ll go to the top of the mountain to find the two maids."
There’s no way to protect two women in Qinjian City for ten weeks. Even the three elders, the guide, should report to them if they want to see them.
Two women have been practicing martial arts at the top of the mountain, and they have been taught by the elder of Jiange and Qin Haiya’s wife. It can be said that they have done their best to train them.
"Everything depends on my uncle."
Su Yu said smilingly that the thought of meeting two women later made Su Yu feel much better at the moment.
Three Presbyterians sent people to inform the mountain budo elders that three elders and Su Yu came to visit two women.
"Brother Gong Chuyou of Jiange has met the three elders and the little brother Su."
A little later, a martial brother, Gong Chuyou, the elder brother of Jiange, respectfully said to the Three Elders, "Please go to Wudaohe to find him and say it’s important for you to discuss with him."
Three elders let go of tea light eyebrows a wrinkly said, "is there anything to discuss? I’m here today to see Sue’s two daughters. What a lot of things! So dawdle! "
"Back to the third elder, the elder said that the two school sisters were closing, which was inconvenient for people to disturb. The elder said that the meeting could wait a few days."
Gongchuyou smiled and said
"Hum this old guy! Feather son, you sit here for a while and go and see. "
The Three Elders felt a sense of shame. He brought Su Yu here today because he was guaranteed to meet two women, only to meet two women.
"Uncle, don’t worry."
Su Yu said indifferently
Closing is a very important thing for martial artists.
Although Su Yu was disappointed, he couldn’t have wanted to see two women for no reason. This suspicion hurt two women and delayed their practice.
"Three elders this way, please."
Gongchuyou smilingly led the way and took away the three elders.
Su Yu is left alone in the huge palace.
Su Yu also has the patience to sip fragrant teas indifferently, and his mind is immersed in leisure, and he strolls around the things in the mall.
Time flies. More than an hour has passed, but the three elders have not come back.
Just then a few men and women approached outside the palace and came towards Su Yu.